
// Foundation

The Cooperativa de Produção Artística Teatro e Animação o Bando (Artistic Production Cooperative for Theatre and Animation o Bando) was founded in October 15, 1974 at Algés by the artists:

 João Brites, Jaqueline Tison, Cândido Ferreira, Carmen Marques, Jorge Barbosa and Maria Janeiro.

The name o Bando is the Portuguese expression for a flock of birds.

At its beginning the company was though and structured within the childhood theatre area, a free concept that fought the crescent post revolutionary tendency to infantilize children created by the commercial trend Children's Theatre in Portugal and throughout the world.

According to Teatro o Bando's approach the child should be an active part of society, able to have a political and artistic point of view and to manage the limits between concrete reality and the dream.

This opposes the average commercial approach that underestimates the child's creative potential by using disarming fairy tales and other stereotyped worlds built by grownups.